Below is a table that outlines how each software can be used and the pros and cons of using it.

Software Cost Code vs. GUI GUI Data Manip GUI Analysis CLEAR Lab Users Best For
Excel Free GUI YES NO ALL Cleaning and reviewing CSVs
SPSS Dept $$ GUI, has its own code language YES YES ALL Cleaning and reviewing qualtrics downloads for labels and formatting accuracy. Easily creates data dictionaries-- this is the primary reason that we continue to use it.
Jamovi Free GUI, Spits out R Code YES YES Tory Essentially a free version of SPSS that sits on top of R, tracks changes made to the dataset, and lets you do point and click analyses (also outputting R code for all analyses). Dictionary features might not be as useful as SPSS, need to look into this more.
R Free Has its own code language NO NO Grads, Tory Best investment of your time when learning to code. Overall the wave of the future. Can do pretty much everything except point-and-click data cleaning/dictionary development; Automating SAS and mplus
SAS Free;
Grant $$$ for time series has its own code language, SAS Studio has GUI NO Yes, in SAS Studio Tory, Jackie Clinical trials data analysis, advanced specification for MLMs; Automating mplus
Mplus Grant
$$$$ Has its own code language NO NO Tory, Jackie Doing MLM with latent variables/MSEM, doing SEM, doing generalized MLMs with zero-inflated variables
G*Power Free GUI YES Power analysis only